(18) dirt, (19) honour, (20) wisdom. (21) ignorance and (22) lack of insight. These are deemed essential for the discipline of both body and mind, as they have to be borne cheerfully without annoyance or a sense of feeling troubled. As the whole course of conduct for saints is designed to deny them every form of comfort and merely to keep them alive without the risks of hurting any living embodied soul until all thei: karma is completely destroyed preliminary to final liberation, it may be imagined to what practical consequences these endurances must lead.
Actual practice of austerities is divided into two kinds : (1) external. which consists of various types of fasting, not eating what is specially prepared for oneself, rejecting attractive food, collecting food from house to house, observing other vows, sitting in secluded places and spots, adopting proper postures, not living for more than a few days at any one place, meditating and explaining sacred religious texts to laity and providing generally for all their religious wants. In Jaina terminology, these are described as "bahiranaga tapa' and classified as (a) anashana, control for life over all foods which may be 'khadya' (eatable); 'swadaya' (tastable); 'lehya' (lickable) and 'peya' (drinkable): (b) avamodarthya, control for life over approval by senses of enjoyments: (C) vritti parisamkhyana, predetermining a condition (sankalpa) before taking food which not being fulfilled, enduring to remain hungry: (d) rasa parityaga, giving up for life or a limited period of life any one or all of the following: milk. curds, ghee, sugar, oil and salt and learning to eat only for sustenance as opposed to taste or likes or dislikes: (e) vivikta shayyasana, sitting or lying down in secluded solitary places and spots for contemplation and meditation and in various postures and (f) kaya klesha, intentionally making the physical body suffer hardships (this is quite different from "loka mudhata,” described earlier as to be avoided for developing the right taith (samyak darshana) as the objective there is to please god, teacher. angel etc., to obtain favours. Here the objective is to purge