and accept
the omniscient, omnipotent soul.
How and Why of confused and un-confused mind.
Essentials of
अविद्याभ्याससंस्कारैरवशं क्षिप्यते मनः ।
तदेव ज्ञानसंस्कारैः स्वतस्तत्त्वेऽवतिष्ठते ॥३७॥
way to make it unmoved and beginningless world the Jiva has
Here it is explained as to why the mind bewildered and confused, and what is the
carved upon the impressions of allurement, lust, and ignorance. It is not therefore happy and peaceful; and on the contrary, in this world we strive to make it unoscillating and unmoved by using such apparatus as, instead of pacifying it, make flore and blaze more; SO it never comes into a state of peacefulness and tranquility.
stable. In this
been imposed
To remove this unpeacefulness and running Acharya has advised in the following
According to Acharya
to bring the Jiva