Samadhi Shataka
This causes their insight to be clear, stainless, unadulterated and transcending of which the materiality is absolutely in darkness and has no any relation to do something, for the former being eternal and supersensible.
In this way all comprehensive philosophical knowledge of this world and that of
super and everlasting soul 'washes off the material dirt and tears deceiving curtains and discloses what humaun pen, tongue cannot stage and visualize.
Nature of Soul.
azhià ggcaisé azuià ¿yftga: ga: 1 अतीन्द्रियमनिर्देश्यं तत् स्वसंवेद्यमस्म्यहं ॥ २४ ॥
In this verse, the soul that is the object of self - knowing procese and it's nature are very and acutey elucidated. Though the experience knowledge of soul are inexplicable in words and unperceivable by five organs of perception they are very skilfully in this
graphed and explained