Essentials of
unprescribed and unaffirmed erroneous activities and throws one into a profound and unavoidable repentance.
Ultimately, he reaches the deepest part of his hearts and realizes that his soul is stainless of the envy, anger, jealousy etc. the kashayas, that it is pure and essentially of ultimate knowledge - nature that it possesses infinite number of properties and qualities and that it is pure, knowing, seer and enjoying his own nature - essenence, and repents that unfortunately and of the Karmik load he did not know and failed to realize what the miragesome life is and what the eternal and blissful soul is. In this way,
this verse implies that the enlightened Jiva has to repent and beg parden and should strive hard to rem ain firm and stable in his own self, the pure Bliss.
The way to Stop in-flux and out-flux,
एवं त्यक्त्वा बहिर्वाचं त्यनेदन्तरशेषतः । एष योगः समासेन प्रदीप: परमात्मनः ।। १७ ॥
By cutting off
obscuring in-flux,