Samadhi Shataka
unable to recgonize the nature of the ultimate soul, thinks the body to be soul and its pleasures and pains of the soul itself.
in reality, the soul is Bliss. Bliss and knowledge are the very essence of the soul. It is well occupied in our body and nothing can destroy it It is ultimate truth and transcendes the two extremes, the beginning and the end. One who is self knowing and Siddha can alone enjoy the fuil-Derespective and all compresivehess of the soul
Being the soul inexpressible in words and transcending: the subdued by material and the worldly activities and governed and dominated by the sensual enticements and lures cannot enjoy the blissful and omniscient state of the soul, as the born blind cannot do the beauty and light of sun.
The man who with a strong restraint and long and regorous penance attains the right knowledge and the right faith, loses his inclination