Samadhi Shataka
efforts and austere afflictions, the knowledge of distinction between jiva and ajiva or the self and not-self, is an enlightened and realized personality. Those who have attained and immediately apprehended the full perspective of the ultimate nature of the self alone can hav a control
over and can be the the masters of animal kingdom or lack luster making passions, and it is this self disciplined man alone can become omniscient and omnipotent.
The destroyal and disappearance of the eight fold activities [karmas] is the end of the stagnafted state of the self, the jiva; and this relieved state of the jiva is liberation, the Moksha ( सिद्धि: स्वात्मोपलब्धिः ) . Like some schools of Indian philosophy Jainas do not think the liberation as an abode somewhere in the skies where the liberated selves go and dwell, contrariwise they think the unadulterated, pure and absolute state of the jiva itself is the ultimete libetation or blessedness According to Jain system, the deliverance is only an escape from body and Samsara and not from existence. The liberated state is the Absoluteness