Essentials of
The dualistic view that whatever is material and whatevere is spiritual or in jain terminology, jiva and ajiva that are absolutely heterogenous to each other and everlasting categories are, for our clear understanding, to be conceived in contrast with each other; this way of distinguishing them from one another, that is whatever is self or jiva, is superior to or higher than material body or ajiva, and its intirnsic nature is one of prefection and is characterized by the Infinite peace, Eternality and Intelligence, is the ultiimate one that leads ro the Absolute Salvation or Emancipation which the jainas term as Moksha.
All the enlightened, the Siddhas, have been successfull in developing their potentialities and in dimiuishing the lure of wordly affairs, the sansara, and ultimately in realising the beauty of the nature and the innate glory of the self by the power of distinguishing between matter and spirit or the pudgal and jiva. Those who are very far away from and in pitch darkness of knowing the ultimate objective of life and cannot subdue the 'm terial element and cannot