Samadhi Shataka
senses. This desire is the Gause of hate, love, envy, ego, etc. In this way desire, envy, etc. are the very base of the cycle of this worldly life. Hence to relieve from the cycle, self knowledge is the only cause, the only way.
The cause of miseries
तान्यमात्मनि समारोप्य साक्षाण्यास्ते सुखं जडः । त्यक्त्वाऽऽरोपं पुनर्विद्वान् प्राप्नोति परमं पदं । १०४।।
To conceive that the activities done i by tocy are the activities created by soul, is absolutely misguiding and wrong. That the bodily activities belong to soul and that the soul is subject of these activities etc. are the very cause of the miseries and sorrows. Hence one should distinguish between the body and soul and their jurisdictions and orbits clearly first; and then being totally disinterested in woildly life one should lie in soul unmovedly and unfluctuatedly; and this is the exact and right way of the removal of miseries and sorrows and thereby to attain the eternal bliss,