due to the finite human intellect which naturally often endeavours to shorten and whatever it finds into its finite grasp and reach. Jainism doubtlessly, I think, is beginningless, Anadi, for we come across in so many places in Yajurveda, Bhagawat Purana, the mention of Rshabhadeva and some other Tirthankars. We are fully aware that the whole edifice of Indian Culture and Philosophy has been infatuated by Mimamsa and Vedant arguments that the Vedas are beginningless, inhumane, Apourushaya, Then, if it is so, it is dobtlessly clear and one has naturally and alongwith logical necessity to come to the conclusion that Jainism, if it is honourably mentioned in the Apourushaya Vedas and some Puranas, must be prior to Vedas, therefore beginningless and the root cause of all the philosophies, religions, cultures, sects, traditions that have been prevailing in india and abroad to this day and that to come.
India with her mind is known to the world