Samadhi Snataka
of the firm belief in and deep adoration to soul finds the world as inert as the stone and wood, and knows that it is deceiving unaspicious and hostile, denying and obscuring soul sight. He never looks at the word with any covetousness; the mundane world has been totally disappeared from his mind and he dwells in his soul fully intoxicated by soul - joy. But it is an essential thing in the Prarabdha Yogi that the impressions of ditinction between matter and spirit, world and soul are to be carved and hammered upon his mind again and again continuously for, though he has once realised the soul sight, there is some possibllity of being drawn him back to the most powerful and alluring world.
Need of continuous adoration
of soul.
शृण्वन्नप्यन्यत: कामं वदन्नपि कलेवरात् । नात्मानं भावयेत् भिन्नं यावत् ताक्न्न मोक्षभाक ।८१।।
The knowledge of self is not a subject of listening to or not that of communicating it by