Essentials of
Why does the yogi go off
from the world
जनेभ्योवाक ततः स्पन्दो मनसश्चित्तभिप्रमाः ।। भवन्ति तस्मात् संसर्ग जनोंगी ततस्त्यजेत् ॥७२।।
When the Jiva is accompanied and encircled by the thick rush and unwanted noises of the people, his mind cannot retain its equilibrium and peacefu!ness and it become fickle and flighty; and hence advice and directions are prescribed that to retain the calmness and pacificity of the mind people contact is absolutely broken off and aloofness is kept strictly.
Further it is advised that only breaking off the societal contact is not the absolute cause of the meutal pacificity and stability hence societal contact is the Nimittakaran, an external cause of mental inbalance and unpeacefulness. The realization and philosophy of the soul is the exact, acurate, non-missing and absolute cause of the tranquility of mind.