Essentials of
the both, the body and the world.
Those who are passive and steady. philiosophers and Arihant are very courageous and firm, passive and staunchly unmoved from their ultimate vision; they are never afraid of death for they think it is a natural and unavoidable course. Those who fear the death, Acharya says are held tight and dragged to the hellish stage, the Narki Avastha.
The man who has attained a fulfledged and magnificient vision has realised that the soul is immortal and is never caught up in the clutches of mortality; he is calm and tranquil at the death process and gets burried and soaked into the soul-vision and dwells there enjoying what is eternal, the soul, the Atmavaibhava.
The value of the body in
Onyani's view
यस्य सस्पन्दमाभाति नि:स्पन्देन समं जगत् । अप्रज्ञमक्रिया भोगं स शमं याति नेतरः ॥ ६७ ।।