Jain Philosophy in Historical Outline
Kāla, 122-23
Vaišesika conception of god, 97-99 Kalinga Jina, 39
Kumbharia shrine, 35 Kalyāṇacandra, 110
Kundakunda, 22-23 Kamalabhava, 28
Kuniya, 19-20 Kamalaśīla, anti-theistic arguments of,
99-100 Kanāda, 95-96
Laghusamantabhadra, 110 Kanakamāra, 24
Lakşmaņa, 27 Kanakasena, 24-25
Lakşmanadeva, 26 Kannada jain works, 28
Lakşmīsaragani, 27 Kāpālikas, 65
Later inscriptions, 43-44 Karkal statue, 35
Laymen, 5-6; instructions for, 86-87 Karma, 67-68, 88, 126-2,8 129; social leśyā, 127-28, 176-77 basis of, 87; conception of, 145-47; Liberation, 67, 89, 153-54, 170-74; SāmVedic idea of, 167-68; Jain approach khya concept of, 187-88 to, 168-70; of Ājivikism, 177; of Sām- Life force, doctrine of, 65, 68 khya, 184-85; of yoga, 189-90; of Library sources, 17-29; works on, 8-16 Mimāmsa, 99, 193; of Nyāya-Vaişeśika Logic, of the Jains, 108-20 98, 196; relation to Jiva, 147-48; to Lohanipur Jina, 29-30 Punya and Pāpa, 148-49; to Aśrava, Lokāyatikas, 66 150-51; to Samvara, 151-52; to bondage, 152; to Nirjarā, 152-53; to liberation, 153-54; classification of, 154-55; Madhura, 28 sources of, 154; and Guņasthānas, 155- Madhyamika, 197 56; nature of, 159
Magadha famine, 49 Karmaśarira, 169
Magical practices, 189, 191-9) Kaşāya, 147-49, 154, 156
Mahāsena, 26 Karnapārya, 28
Mahāyāna, 95 Kevala, 160, 170, 190
Mahāvīra, passim, life of, 46-47; in sculpKesi, 45
ture, 30-34; in Buddhist texts, 171, Khajuraho temples, 34
176-78; on Akriyāvāda, 68; on class Khandagiri images, 32
society, 81-82; social experience of, Khāravela, 30, 38-39
80-83; conditions of his time, 59-62; Kirtirāja, 27
relation with Gosāla, 76-77 Kisa Semkicca, 177
Mahávratas, 6 Knowledge, Jain theory of, 160-62, 173-74; Maheśvara Süri, 24 Buddhist view of, 174-75; Cārväka- Mahudi bronze, 33 179-80; Sāmkhya, 186-87; Mimām sa, 192- Makrabai temple, 34 93, 201-04; sources of, 112-13; means of, Maladhāri Devaprabha, 26 valid, 113-16
Maladhāri Hemacandra, 25-26 Konguvelir, 27
Malayagiri, 22 Koțeśvara, 28
Mallisena, 111 Kriyāvāda, 65, 67, 88-89
manah-paryäya, 160 Kşanikavāda, 172-73
Mānatunga, 23-24 Kula, 1-2, 40, 44
Mangarása, 28 Kumārapāla, 25
Māņikyacāndra, 26 Kumārapāla temples, 35
Mänikya Nandi, 109-10; on knowledge, Kumärila, 192; polimic against Nyaya- 113; on inference, 114