52-72. Khamdha subjected to nikkheva.
15-18 52. Khamdha. 53-55. Khamdha as name and arbitrary attribution. 56-61. Khamdha as substance-potential (davvakhamdha) with
scriptural knowledge, without scriptural knowledge... up to khamdha as substance-potential other than the body of
the knower and the body of the competent person. 62. Khamdha as substance-potential which is sentient (sacitte
davvakhamdhe). 63. Khamdha as substance-potential which is non-sentient
(acitte davvakhamdhe). 64. Khamdha as substance-potential which is a mixture of the
sentient and the non-sentient (misae davvakhamdhe). 65. Another explanation of khamdha as substance-potential
other than the body of the knower and the body of the competent person (janayasarirabhaviyasarīravairitte davuak
hamdhe). 66. Complete khamdha (kasiņakhamdha). 67. Incomplete khamdha (akasinakhamdha). 68. Khamdha composed of many substances (anegadaviya
khamdha). 69. Khamdha as essence (bhāvakhamdha). 70. Khamdha as essence, with scriptural knowledge (agamato
bhāvakhamdhe). 71. Khamdha as essence, without scriptural knowledge (no
āgamato bhavakhamdhe). 72. The synonyms of the word 'khamdha'. 73. Topics of the Āvassaga (āvassagassa atthāhigārā). 18-19 74. Chapters of the Āvassaga.
75. Enumeration of the names of the Doors of Disquisition 19 76-91. The Door of Disquisition, called uvakkama.
19-22 76-78. Uvakkama : as name, as arbitrary attribution, as subs
tance-potential with scriptural knowledge, and without
scriptural knowledge. 79. Uvakkama as substance-potential, which is of the sentient
(sacittadavvovakkama). 80. Uvakkama of the biped (dupae uvak kame). 81. Uvakkama of the quadruped (cauppae utakkame). 82. Uvakkama of beings without foot (apae uvakkame).