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'several' (puhatta)? gāuyas in the maximum; in respect of the question about the undeveloped agamic quadruped terrestrial beings (with five sense-organs), it is, Goyama, (equal to) an innumerablth part of an amgula in the minimum and an innumerablth part of an amgula in the maximum also; in respect of the question about the developed agamic quadruped terrestrial beings (with five senseorgans), it is, Goyama, (equal to) a numerablth part of an amgula in the minimum and 'several gāuyas in the maximum; in respect of the question about the quadruped terrestrial beings with five sense-organs, coming out of womb, it is, Goyama, (equal to) an innumerablth part of an amgula in the minimum and six găuyas in the maximum; in respect of the question about the undeveloped quadruped terrestrial beings with five sense-organs, coming out of womb, it is, Goyama, (equal to) an innumerabith part of an amgula in the minimum and an innumerablth part of an amgula in the maximum also; in respect of the question about the developed (quadruped terrestrial beings with five sense-organs, coming out of womb, it is, Goyama, (equal to) a numerablth part of an amgula in the minimum and six gàuyas in the maximum.
In respect of the question about the terrestrial reptile beings crawling on breast with five sense-organs, it is, Goyama, (equal to) an innumerablth part of an amgula in the minimum and one thousand joyaņas in the maximum; in respect of the question about the agamic terrestrial reptile beings crawling on breast, with five sense-organs, it is, Goyama, (equal to) an innumerablth part of an aingula in the minimum and 'several' joyaņas in the maximum; in respect of the question about the undeveloped (agamic terrestrial reptile beings crawling on breast, with five sense-organs), it is, Goyama, (equal to) an innumerablth part of an amgula in the minimum and an innumerablth part of an amgula in the maximum also; in respect of the question about the developed (agamic terrestrial reptile beings crawling on breast, with five sense-organs), it is, Goyama, (equal to a numerablth part of an amgula in the minimum and 'several joyanas in the maximum; in respect of the question about the terrestrial reptile beings crawling on breast, with five sense-organs, coming out of womb, it is (equal to) an innumerablth part of an amgula in the minimum and one thousand joyaņas in the maximum; in respect of the question about the undeveloped (terrestrial reptile
1. The Commentary, p. 183 B, explains puhatta as: dvi prabhrtyā navabhyah sama.
yaprasiddya pirthaktvam ucyale, that is, any number between 2 and 9.