firstly, having non-violent intentions and, secondly, by acting with utmost vigilance.
Lord Mahāvīra, when asked by His principal disciple – Ganadhara Gautama - as to how one ought to act, stand, sit, lie down, eat and speak so as not to incur sin', replied that one, who acts, stands, sits, lies down, eats and speaks carefully (vigilantly), does not incur sin?. So much so for vigilance as a tool of nonviolence.
Pramāda or recklessness or negligence being the sole and potent cause of avoidable violence, a little deliberation on it will not be out of place here. Pramāda is caused by one or more of the following fifteen causes ? : -
The activities are of three types - those of the mind, body
2 " Jayam care jayam citthe, jayamāse jayani sae/ Jayani bhuñjanto bhāsanto, pāva-kammam na bandhai //”
- Daśavaikālika, 4.8. First steps to Jainism, p. 84.
Intoxication (Mada), Sleepiness (Nidrā), Anger (Krodha), Pride (Māna), Guile or deceit (Māyā), Greed (Lobha), Misuse of the sense of touch (Sparśanendriya), Misuse of the sense of taste (Rasanendriya), Misuse of the sense of sight (Caksurendriya), Misuse of the sense of smell (Ghrāņendriya),
Misuse of the sense of hearing (Karmendriya), 12. Gossip about food (Bhakta katha),
Amorous talk/thoughts (Kāma kathā), 14. Talking about the matters of the state (Rāja kathā),
and Thinking or talking about the matters of administration (Deśa katha).