This section - MAHĀVĪRA AND JAINISM --
I introduces, in a historical perspective, Mahāvīra, the last Prophet-propounder of the creed, called Jainism and comprised of Non-violence (Ahimsā), Restraint (Samyama) and Penance (Tapa) as the giver of the auspicious to its followers. After stating the three-fold nature of reality (Sat) according to the Jaina thought, it proceeds to state the Jaina view on the nature of the soul (Atmā) and the karma and the concept of the beginningless association and that of liberation. While doing so it also dwells on the issue of theism versus atheism and whether Jainism is theist or atheist. In view of the paramount importance of Ahimsā or non-violence in the Jaina way of life, it has been dealt with in an entire chapter.