aspects of things and situations. It has a direct impact on
(d) Creativity and Problem solving ability – It is the applied
aspect of imagination, knowledge and skill. (e) Expression - Effective expression of one's thoughts has
always been important for achieving success. There is a colloquial saying that means 'one who speaks well sells well. There is a lot of sense in this saying. In all our endeavours from trade and industry to preaching by the religious leaders, one sells something or the other. Some sell merchandise, some sell services, some sell ideas and some sell themselves. Nevertheless, there is some kind of selling that goes on all the time. For selling well or in other words making our wares or ourselves acceptable to
others we must have good expression. Psychological And Emotional Aspect -
This is the most invisible aspect of a person's personality, yet it is in no way less important than the others are. It manifests itself in the form of - (a) Quality of adjustment with others at home, work, and in
the society in general. (b) Mental health and emotional stability including tensions
or the lack of it, Depression and other psychosomatic manifestations and enjoyment or otherwise of work in
particular and the life in general.
The impacts of this aspect of personality on personal, social and professional lives are multidimensional. They include - (a) The person may be happy or unhappy according to his
emotional and psychological disposition, (b) A happy person spreads happiness around himself and an
unhappy person does just the opposite.