destruction. The unethical means employed by the producers of such weapons to find market for their wares have resulted in sponsored wars where the parties instigated by such traders go to war and become hapless buyers of such weaponry manufactured by these unscrupulous perpetrators of misery.
Jaina Answer For Conflict Resolution And For Ushering In World Peace -
Jainism offers solutions to all the problems cited above that cause conflicts. The Jaina precepts such as non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, moderate possessions and inconspicuous consumption, non-egocentric approach and universal love go a long way in the direction of resolving all such conflicts. In the paragraphs that follow, we will see as to how each of these precepts contributes to conflict resolution and thereby to promote world peace. Non-violence - is the single most potent conflict-resolving factor. It is as effective in international arena as it is in national, social and personal lives. Here I would like to mention that as long as India and China both sincerely adhered to the principle of Pañcaśīla, their conflicts did not come to a head. Following the principle of non-violence makes it possible for nations to avoid wars and even smaller armed conflicts. An appreciation of this most humane principle may induce a feeling of abhorrence for wanton killings even in the minds of the most hardcore terrorists. There is no doubt that a universal acceptance and application of this Jaina tenet will leave the world tranquil and peaceful. Truthfulness - Diplomacy these days has come to mean saying one thing and doing quite the other. This queer policy may succeed for some time but when the affected parties realise that they had been taken for a ride by clever diplomatic manipulations