right-vision, right-knowledge, right-conduct and right-penance for a number of years, Mrgāputra observed a month-long endpractice of Sallekhana-Samadhimarana for a period of one month and gained the unparalleled gain of spiritual perfection of the Siddhas.
Moral of The Story -
Concluding this story, the Lord said, “O'blessed ones! Just as, becoming detached, Mrgāputra stuck to his detachment and was not dissuaded from accepting monastic ordination in spite of the best persuasion by his parents who painted a frightening picture of monastic hardships and discomforts and liberated to attain spiritual perfection, you, too, must treat worldly wealth as a source of misery and worldly attachments as the most frightening and pursue the path of monasticism unwaveringly. It is the only unparalleled path that can yield spiritual emancipation and ultimate destination of spiritual perfection endowed with infinite vision, infinite knowledge, infinite bliss and infinite spiritual prowess.