o. Asatijana Posana Karma-Sheltering ignoble creatures and plying the trades such as prostitution, and hunting with dogs and birds of prey.
Refraining From Meaningless Punishment (Anarthadanda viramana) -This vow is about refraining from such activities as do not benefit a householder in any way but proves to be harmful in the ultimate karmic analysis. The incurring of karmic influx and bondage for the purpose of earning one's livelihood and for protecting one's interests is called meaningful punishment (Arthadanda), and has to be gone through. However, activities like impious contemplation (Apdhyānācaraṇa); Negligent conduct (Pramādācaraṇa) like drinking, indulging in passions, oversleeping, gossiping; Giving or lending tools of violence (Himsā-pradāna) and rendering advice that might result in sinful activities (Pāpakarmopadeśa) etc are such that no good comes out of them. Indulgence in such activities is said to be meaningless punishment and must be avoided by a rational thinking householder.
Five excesses (Aticāra) of this vow are -
a. Kandarpa - To indulge in such gossip as to enhance amorous thoughts,
b. Kautkucya - To make suggestive gestures,
c. Maukharya - Volubility or to speak more than required, d. Samyuktādhikaraṇa – Assembly of tools of violence so that they can be readily used,
e. Upabhoga-Paribhogātirikta - Accumulation of means of sensory enjoyment in quantities more than the accepted limit. This may result in infringement of the limits.
III. Four Educational Vows -
The aim of 'Educational vows' is to educate the householders in a manner that they may feel inclined to renounce more and more and to accept the monastic vows when the time is ripe.