1. Theft by breaking into the house, 2. Theft by pilfering from bundles and parcels, 3. Stealing by breaking the lock, 4. To misappropriate things left or unknowingly dropped
by someone, and 5. Plundering by waylaying the people, travellers or
wayfarers. The excesses (Aticāra) of this vow are -
a. Stenährta - To purchase stolen goods, b. Stenaprayoga - To motivate someone to steal, c. Viruddha Rājyātikrama - Smuggling, tax evasion etc. d. Küta-tula Kūta-māna - To keep false weights and
measures with a view to give less while selling and to
take more while purchasing, and e. Tatpratirūpaka Vyavahāra - To sell bad and spurious
copies of good popular brands.
Giving up Gross Sexual Indiscipline (Sthūla Maithun Viramana)– To refrain from intentional indiscriminate sexual indulgence with one's own spouse or with other members of opposite sex or neuters or animals is to observe the minor vow of Gross Sexual Continence. This vow prescribes abstinence from all sexual activities with any other human member of the opposite sex or a neuter or a heavenly god or an animal except one's own married spouse. With one's own spouse also its prescription is that of moderate rather than excessive sexual indulgence. For these reasons this vow is also known as the vow of limited sexual indulgence and remaining content with one's own spouse or Maithun Parimāna Evari Svapatnī (or Svapati)-santosa Vrat'.