Varşa (Year)
2 Ayana (6 seasons or 12 months),
5 Varsa, Satābdi
20 Yug or 100 years, Pūrvānga
84 hundred thousand years, Pārva
84 hundred thousand Pūrvā
nga or 7056x1010 years, Śīrśaprahelikā
The largest measurable time-unit that equals
8436x 10180 Immeasurable Time (Asankhyāt Kāla)Palyopama
Pit-measure (Said to be equivalent to a time period taken to empty a pit measuring 1 Yojana (8 miles approx.) cube and filled with fine pieces of hair when each piece is taken out after the lapse of
a 100 years), Sāgaropama
Sea--measure (10 15 or ten
Kotākoti Palyopamas), Time Cycles (Kāla-cakra) -
Each time-cycle consists of an ascendant time phase called Utsarpinī Kāla and a descendant time phase called Avasarpiņi Kāla. Each of these phases is of ten Kotākoti (1014) Sāgaropamas. Thus, each time cycle is of twenty Kotākoti Sāgaropamas.
Utsarpinīkāla- Ascendant time phase comprising six eras (Arās) in which the pleasurable time is on the ascendant and painful time is on the descendant, Avasarpinīkāla - Descendant time phase, again comprising six eras in which the pleasure is on the decrease and the pain is on the increase.