one variety only and are spread all over the world. However, the gross air-bodies are found only in parts of the world. The developed gross air-bodies are found in the form of squalls, whirlwinds, fierce winds, high winds, storms, low winds, breezes, hurricanes, and many other kinds. Though these air-bodies cannot be seen with eyes but they can, certainly, be felt with other sensory organs like sense of touch and sense of hearing when the wing blows.
Composite Bodies
We have described bodies composed singly of earth, water, fire, air and vegetation. However, what we see around us are many composite bodies, which are composed of more than one of these bodies. For example, we can take the human and animal bodies that are composed of earth, water, air, fire and space. Even the inanimate objects like buildings, furniture, vehicles, clothes, etc are all composed of one or more of these bodies.
The material universe is a complex entity, composed of living and lifeless matter. While we can see and feel the tangible mater in the form of its manifestation as various bodied like earth, water, air, fire and vegetation as well as in the form of composite bodies composed of more than one of these bodies.