From the consideration of permanence, it is either Pratipāti or revocable, which can disappear after manifesting itself or Apratipāti, which is irrevocable, i.e. it does not disappear after it manifests itself. All the Tīrtharikaras are also born with clairvoyant perception, which is irrevocable or permanent. However, even though it is by birth itself, it is of the Ksāyopaśamika type rather than the Bhavapratyayika type.
It must be clarified, here, that though the two types of clairvoyant perceptions have been named as Bhavapratyayika and Ksāyopaśamika, the former, too cannot dawn without the due destruction or subsidence of the clairvoyant perception obscuring karma. The only difference between the two is that while for the former the hellish and the heavenly living beings have already achieved that destructo-subsidence before they are born as heavenly or hellish beings and they do not have to make any conscious effort like undertaking penance, etc, the latter type is an outcome of destruction cum subsidence achieved through conscious effort. It is, therefore, also referred to as Guņapratyayika (virtue induced type)
Avadhijñāna. 4. Manahparyāyajñāna (Telepathic Perception) - It is the
second type of perception that falls in the incomplete direct category. It is signified by its holder's capability of reading the others' thoughts. Depending upon the stage of spiritual evolution of the holder, it can be either Řjumati, which can only apprehend some features of the thoughts rather in the form of an outline, or Vipulamati that can apprehend the others' thoughts in complete detail. Therefore, the Vipulamati type is purer and more comprehensive than the Ķjumati type in as much as it is in a position to clearly apprehend the subtler and more numerous particular features of the objects being thought