1. Aupaśamika Samyaktva - This is the right-vision that
comes into being only through suppression of the aforementioned seven types of karma and is temporary, its duration being limited up to a period of one muhurta (48 minutes approx.). This type of right-vision vanishes when the deluding karma comes to fruition and the
passions come to the fore. 2. Ksayopaśamika Samyaktva - This type of right-vision
comes into being through the suppression of some and destruction of the others of the aforementioned seven types of karma. It is also temporary and lasts up to a maximum
duration of 66 Sāgaropama. 3. Ksāyika Samyaktva - This is the permanent type of
right-vision that comes into being by complete destruction of the aforementioned seven types of karma. This type
does not lapse after it dawns.
From the angle of absolute and practical standpoints, again, the right-vision is of two types - 1. The absolute right-vision is only a state of mind and
does not manifest itself in the form of devotion or worship of any deity etc. It considers the own soul itself as the treasure of all spiritual virtues that are waiting to be
revealed through self-exploration. 2. On the other hand practical right-vision is visible in the
form of devotion and worship of the prophets, preceptors
and propagators of the right-faith.
Lastly, let us have a look at the five means that promote right-vision and the other five that endanger it. The five that promote it are - 1. Stability (Sthiratā)- to believe in and steadfastly adhere
to the path of liberation preached by the Lords Jina is stability.