creatures as we continuously hurt one or the other kinds of their vitalities as we breathe, as we move about, as we speak, as we do any thing for that matter, as long as we remain conscious of the fact that we do so only because it is unavoidable and, thereby, avoid any unnecessary violence, we remain volitionally nonviolent.
The Social Aspect Of Non-violence -
In the last section our thoughts were centred around nonviolence at the personal level. However, our discussion will not be complete unless we also considered its social aspect also. One may argue that it may well be possible for an individual to practice utmost non-violence by grossly limiting his needs and activities but on the social plane it may well not be possible at all. Here, it is pertinent to note that the very fibre of society, which means co-existence, is made up of positive qualities like love, affection, sensitivity, tolerance, co-operation, etc, all of which spell nonviolence. Any violent society will exhibit negative qualities like hatred, animosity, aggressiveness, etc and co-existence will well nigh be impossible. Violence, even at the thought level, breaks up societies.
Generally, there is a conflict of interests and sometimes it so happens that the interests of one rest on harming those of the others. Such circumstances give rise to violence in the society. As long as the interests of one conflict with those of the other and as long as there are individual interests that conflict with the group interests and the individuals act against the group interests; as long as there are individuals or groups of individuals that are bent upon meeting their ends at the expense of the others; as long as one state or nation act contrary to the interests of another state or nation and does not heed the voice of reason or justice; violence becomes unavoidable. Non-violence, certainly, does not mean that the non-violent individuals, societies or nations have to put