rebirth, with its attendant suffering; (4) the absolute aloneness of each individual as he moves through this cycle and as he experiences the fruits of his own past acts; (5) the fact that soul and body are completely separate from each other; (6) the filth and impurity which in reality permeate a seemingly attractive physical body; (7) the manner in which inflow of the karmic matter takes place; (8) how such inflow can be stopped; (9) how karmic matter already clinging to the soul can be eliminated, dissociated; (10) the real nature of the universe; (11) how rare is the opportunity to attain right faith; (12) how the path leading to liberation is well set out and enlightened by the omiscient Lord.
બારભાવના :- ૧. અનિત્ય, ૨. અશરણ, ૩. સંસાર, ૪. એકત્વ, ૫. અન્યત્વ ૬. અશુચિ, ૭. આશ્રવ, ૮. સંવર, ૯. નિર્જરા, ૧૦. લોકસ્વરૂપ, ૧૧. બોધિધર્મ,૧૨.ધર્મ
Five types of right conduct: They are sāmāyikacaritra (to remain in the state of equanimity, giving up all impure activity), etc.
પાંચ ચારિત્ર
સામાયિક આદિ શુદ્ધ આચરણ
The monk is more qualified than the layman for the practice of these means for the stoppage. A layman who has taken twelve vows and is endowed with right faith can very well undertake the practice.
These means can stop the inflow of karmic matter. But what will you do to dissociate the karmic matter already bound to the soul? This we shall consider in the next lesson.
આ સંવર ધર્મના અધિકારી મુખ્યત્વે મુનિ છે. છતાં બાર વ્રતધારી સાધક કે સમકિતી શ્રાવકને સંવર તત્ત્વ સાધ્ય છે. સંવરની આત્મ શક્તિ દ્વારા આવતો
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