30d (for gods) = celestial state and ānupūrvi + 5 senses + transformation-body and limbs + translocation-body and limbs + 1st figure + annihilation of others + breathing + pleasant gait + movable + gross + developed + individual body + beautiful + firm + sympathetic + suggestive + melodious + fame + 9 dhruvas.
31 (for gods) = 30d + tirthakara.
1 (bound only by persons in a high state of spiritual development) = fame.
In udaya 12 combinations are possible. The following 12 prakrtis are "dhruvas ", i.e. they always exist : fiery and karman bodies, "not light nor heavy", firm and flexible, beautiful and ugly, colour, odour, taste, touch, formation.
It is distinguished between the realisation of the karman during apāntarāla-gati (i.e. during the time between the new and the old incarnation) and the realisation of the karman in the incarnated state.
20 uttara-prakytis (with kevalins) = human state + 5 senses + movable + gross + developed + sympathetic + suggestive + fame + 12 dhruvas.
21a (with 1-sensed animals in apāntarāla-gati) = animal state and ānupūrvi + 1 sense + immovable + gross (fine) + developed (undeveloped) + unsympathetic + unsuggestive + fame (shame) 1 + 12 dhruvas.
21b (with 2,-3,-4-sensed animals in apāntarāla-gati) animal state and ānupūrvi + 2 (3, 4) senses + movable + gross + developed (undeveloped) + unsympathetic + unsuggestive + fame (shame) + 12 dhruvas.
21c (with 5-sensed animals in apāntarāla-gati) = animal state and anupūroi + 5 senses + movable t gross + developed (undeveloped) + sympathetic (unsympathetic) + suggestive (unsuggestive) + fame (shame) + 12 dhruvas.
21d (with human beings in apāntarāla-gati) = 21c with human state and anupūrvi.
21e (with kevalins) = 20 + tirthakara.
21f (with gods in apāntarāla-gati) = 21c with celestial state and ānupūrvi, only developed.
21g (with infernal beings in apāntarāla-gati) = infernal state and anupūrvi + 5 senses + movable + gross + developed + unsympa. thetic + unsuggestive + shame + 12 dhruvas.
24a (with incarnated 1-sensed animals) – animal state + 1 sense + common (individual) body + gross (fine) to developed (undeveloped) + unsympathetic + unsuggestive + fame (shame) + im
1 "Fame" has not udaya together with "fine" and "undeveloped ".
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