bandha : the 4 pratyākhyānāvarana-kașāyas.
udaya and udiranā: the 4 pratyākhyānāvarana-kaşāyas, animal state and āyus ; cold splendour, low family surroundings.
6. pramatta-samyala-gunasthāna. In this gunasthāna complete self-control has been achieved, although this is disturbed through negligence (pramāda), produced through realisation of the flaming-up passions, of sleep, etc. The duration of the stay on this stage lasts in the minimum 1 samaya, in the maximum the fraction of a muhūrta. If somebody dies after 1 samaya, he becomes an avirata ; if he dies after the fraction of a muhūta, he becomes a deśavirata. If the antarmuhurta, however, has passed without incident, the jīva goes into the apramatta-gunasthāna, where he remains for the fraction of a muhurta, in order to return once more into the pramatta-gunasthāna ; then this operation begins anew. This wavering between the 6th and 7th gunasthāna lasts in the maximum somewhat less than a pūrvakoti. This refers to the munis who have ascended no śreni; if the upaśama- or ksapaka-śreni is ascended, or continued, such a wavering does not take place.
cognition : mati-, śruta-, avadhi-, manah paryāya-jñāna ;
cakşur-, acakşur-, avadhi-darśana. activity : 13 yogas, viz. 4 mano-, 4 väg-, as well as audārika-,
vaikriya-, vaikriya-miśra, āhāraka- and āhāraka-miśra
hãya-yoga. leśyās : all 6. belief : kṣāyopaśamika, aupaśamika or kṣāyika-samyaktva. conduct : sāmāyika, chedopasthāpana, parihāraviśuddhi'. causes of bondage : 26, i.e. the 39 of the preceding guna
sthāna without the 4 pratyākhyānāvarana-kaşāyas, and the 11 still remaining kinds of avirati ; to be added are āhāraka- and āhāraka-miśra-kāyayoga, as here samyama
is achieved. bandha : 63 prakṣtis, i.e. the 67 of the preceding gunasthāna
without the 4 pratyākhyānāvarana-kaşāyas. udaya and udiranā : 81 prakytis, i.e. 87 of the preceding
gunasthāna, without the 8 which reach their end there ;
to be added are translocation-body and its limbs. sattă : in general 148; if the 3 disturbances of belief and the
4 life-long passions are annihilated, 141.
1 To the one who has the parihāravisuddhi-conduct the ascent of the śreni is refused (Kg. I 121a).
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