meet my family." They replied, 'Oh! You have just come, wait a while. See the fantasies of this place." He tarries. He thinks for but one second. And then he comes straight to earth. He searches for his father, mother, brother, sister and friends. He enquires about them from people. Nobody is able to tell him anything. Many thousands of years seemed to have passed. Many generations had gone past. He thinks everything was but a minute ago! But on earth, a lot of time had passed.
The two rules of anekanta
The search for truth should not turn into a labyrinthine one. The man who sets out in search of truth should not get lost in a labyrinth. To grapple with all these problems anekanta has given two rules, which I have explained in detail. The two basic rules are primary and secondary. Man knows one primary manifested mode, the mode that stares him in the face. But he should not forget that behind it are many unmanifested modes. Along with that one manifested mode, many unmanifested are hidden.
Anekanta says concentrate on the primary attribute but do not treat it as though it is the
Jain Education International
Anekanta: The Third Eye
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