yet not rub a part of it? The student was intelligent. He drew a longer line, thus making the original line appear shorter.
Small or big is relative. Light or heavy is relative. Even gravity is sometimes high and sometimes low. Where there is no effect of gravity there is weightlessness, nothing is light or heavy. Blemishless, soft and hard, these three terms are also relative. Who is blemishless? Who is soft? Who is hard? All are relative terms depending on individual experience. Everything about us is relative. If we forget the word syaad and look at everything as independent, then we have problems. It has been said that Gods live for millions and billions of years. This is surprising and yet not so. Let us not forget relativity. Those who are beyond the effects of gravity are beyond time. A thousand years here would not even be like a second there. In the Jain agamas there is a passage that reads: A man died. He went to heaven. He thought of going back to earth to meet his family. As soon as the idea struck him he began making the necessary preparations. All the Gods asked him where he was going. He replied, “I am going back to the world of mortals to
Acharya Mahaprajna
Jain Education International
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