Preksha Dhyana :
liquid of light yellow colour. It is normally 96 % water and 4 % inorganic and organic waste products. Inorganic wastes include sodium chloride and other salts. Organic wastes are urea, uric acid, etc. Urea which is nearly half of all solids is the end product of protein digestion. The average amount of urine excreted daily is 1.5 to 2 litres containing 25 gms.of inorganic and 35 gms. of organic wastes. The amount can, however, vary considerably even under normal conditions and even more in various pathological conditions. Abnormal constituents of urine include glucose, albumin, blood, pus, bile pigments and stones etc. Various poisons, bacterial toxins and drugs are also excreted through urine. Laboratory examination of urine, provides valuable diagnostic indications of the functioning of the body.
The Formation of Urine
Urine is produced continuously, 24 hours a day. It is formed in the kidneys from the copious blood flow that passes through them.
Three processes are employed by the nephrons of the kidney in the production of urine :
(1) filtration (2) reabsorption (3) selection.
This is a simple physical process. Water, salts and other substances are filtered through the membranes from blood plasma holding back formed elements of the blood and large proteins. Absorption
Each day, the kidneys filter about 180 litres of fluid (about 18 buckets full). If all this fluid were excreted as urine, there would be a serious loss of valuable materials, apart from the need of replacing, by drinking, about 400 pounds of fluid each day. But urine production is not a simple filteration process. As the fluid moves into the nephron, water and solutes are transported out and selec
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