Human Body
They are located under the diaphragm, just above the waist line, one on each side of the spine against the posterior body wall. They are embedded in a heavy cushion of fat which both protects and supports them. Both kidneys are: capped by adrenal glands.
Microscopic examination of the kidney reveals a complex system of tubes, capillaries, arteries and veins, carefully packed together to form approximately one million identical units called nephrons. They are the structural and functional units of the kidney. Being miniaturized chemical filtration plants, they balance the composition of the blood and form urine.
The Ureters : The urine that is formed continuously in each kidney trickles out through the ureters. Each ureter is a long muscular tube, about 25 to 30 cms. long and 4 to 5 cms. in diameter. There are three constricted areas along the course of the ureter. These three bottlenecks have no particular effect on the flow of the urine, but they may become trouble spots if stones are formed in the kidneys and pass into the ureters. They may become lodged in the narrow partions producing excruciating pain and a blockage of urine flow.
The Bladder : It is an expandable baglike structure, situated mainly in the pelvic cavity. As it fills up, it expands upward into the abdomen. The two ureters enter the bladder and travel for a few centimeters under the bladder wall. This helps to prevent a backflow of urine.
The Urethra: In both sexes, urine is emptied from the bladder through a pencil size tube, the urethra, which emerges at the exterior surface of the body in an opening.
In females, the urethra is a short tube about 2.5 to 3 cms. long. The male urethra takes a much longer, tortuous course. It goes through the prostate gland and has a total length of about 20 cms. It serves the double function of carrying urine as well as seminal fluid. Enlargement of prostate gland (in old people) can restrict the flow of urine making urination difficult and painful.
Urine Composition: Urine is a watery solution of nitrogenous wastes and salts. Usually, it is a transparent
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