The requirements of the body, the mind and speech are gross. Science has provided extensive knowledge about the body. But all this knowledge is partial and one-sided. From the spiritual point of view, the noteworthy thing is, How to reduce the activity of the body? Or how can the functioning of the brain and the nervous system be controlled? By what process can the psychic centres in the body be developed? How can the endocrine secretions and chemicals be changed? How to awaken the capacity for objective observation of the happenings inside the body? How to create a pure and powerful
Such questioning invests an individual with a spiritual vision, with whose help he may gain an insight into those aspects of the mind, speech and body which physiology and psychology have failed to illuminate so far, or have only partly illuminated. The programme of preksha is to see the body, the speech and the mind from a spiritual point of view, to understand them and be thoroughly acquainted with them. And through the process of seeing, knowing, understanding and acquaintance, to move in the direction of bringing about a change in them through practice and direct experience.
Q. Is only theoretical knowledge about the mind, the speech and the body imparted through preksha or is instruction also given for practising it?
Ans. The first objective of preksha is to provide right information about the mind. But the objective does not end there. The primary purpose also includes the impartation of the technique of experiencing. Thus, it is not merely a matter of theoretical discussion. In preksha are incorporated both elements of our ancient system of education-theory and practice. Without the
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