Q. Leshya is material. All that is material, has colour, odour, taste and tactility. You have made us acquainted with the nature of leshya on the basis of colour. But does it also have odour, taste and touch? Is an analysis thereof available in the Jain Agamas?
Ans. As also mentioned earlier, about 25 per cent of space in the Jain Agamas is taken up with the exposition of leshya. Uttaradhyana Agama formed the basis of our discussion on leshya colours. This Agama also contains an interpretation of leshya tastes. The leshya atoms, besides different colours, have various tastes and these exercise an influence upon man. These have been classified as follows:
The taste of krishna leshya atoms is more acrid than bitter gourd and the extracts of margosa and soapnut;
And more pungent than the essence of dry ginger, pipal and black pepper, is the essence of the atoms of neel leshya;
And more astringent than the juice of unripe mango and wood apple, is the taste of the atoms of kapot leshya; And far sweeter than the juice of ripe mango and apple is the essence of the atoms of tejoleshya;
And far more delightful than the flavour of different kinds of juices and wines is the flavour of the atoms of padma leshya;
And far more delicious than the beverage made of currants, milk, dates and sugar, is the taste of the atoms of shukla leshya.
Q. The leshya colours are directly connected with a per
son's aura. The character and habits of a man can be examined by observing the colour of his aura. What impact do the flavours of various leshyas have and where?
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