there will be no disease and no evil. That ought to be the teaching. No false teaching ought to be given to the patients, that there is no such thing as matter or evil, but the mind ought to be taught in such a way that it will not be influenced by evil which is actually there. There may be many suggestions made for this purpose. The nature of the mind and of matter ought to be explained, and the practical way of concentration ought to be taught; the method of counteracting or doing away with the results of past forces ought to be taught. We have to teach, really speaking, the moralities of life, because we have in past life generated some forces which cause pain in this life. If this force is too strong to be counteracted, it must be worked out, but if it is not too strong to be counteracted by another force opposite in nature,we ought lo teach how counteracting forces can be put in operation, and here comes in the practical working of the law of ethical causation. If all these facts and laws are understood by the mesmerists and also by the Christian Scientists, then we will have even on this earth a kingdom of heaven ; but if we think that we are only going to have the physical life here, and all of us are going to pass into a spiritual eternity by the fiat of God or by expressing our faith in a Saviour, there will be no necessity for practising morality, because according to that, morality counts for nothing. The righteousness taught in that systein would mean obeying the laws prescribed by God. We are creatures created by him, and there is no choice; we must go only according to the mode or plan pre
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