59 mental or physical, but there is actual disturbance ; .but corresponding to the mental derangement, there will come out at once a physical derangement. A person who is very hungry at seven or eight o'clock in the morning receives a telegram stating that his only son has died. He will not feel any more hunger. That ought not to have any influence on the body if there is no such thing as a body, but that, we know, does take place. In the same manner, from the bodily condition there is something coming to the mental condition. When a person eats for his breakfast many different things, some stimulating, others difficult to digest, and others even intoxicating, that person will feel stupid, and if he has to write a good sermon at that time, he will not be able to do it. If a person bends down for a long time and thinks of a subject and attempts to write upon it, he will find that he cannot get any thoughts. When a person sits at his window in a sultry climate, he is not comfortable. Why is that? Froin all these instances, we are quite sure that the body has something to do with the mind, and the mind with the body. The mind should be brought into the condition in which it can contro matter, and that kind of teaching ought to be given to the patient. Therefore the real object of curing is not to give physical health, but to restore the soul or mind to such a condition, that it will from that time and forever in the future be not controlled by matter, but will control it; that it will not live simply a material life but a spiritual life. For such a person
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