And here we may mention the very important point of the vow of celibacy enjoined for a student of Yoga. We know that even doctors of eminence talk about the dictates-of nature-as if animality and brutality are natural parts of man. They may talk about sexual needs, imperious necessities, uncontrollable passion. Shall we believe these physicians or look to the actual facts? We know that the trainer of a pugilist denies his man all indulgences whatever ; the trainer of this nature of a boat's crew would abandon all hope of victory if he knew that his men indulged even once a week. Indeed so jealous is he that he will not permit his wards even to talk much with the other sex, lest some erotic fancy should affect the condition of their nerves. An eminent doctor of the United States says :-All eminent physiologists who have written on this point agree that the most precious atoms of the blood enter into the composition of the creative essence, A healthy man may occasionally use it with impunity, but if he chooses-with reference to great physical strength and endurance as in the pedestrian, boatracer, prize-fighter or explorer, or with reference to great intellectual and moral work as in the Apostle Paul Sir Isaac Newton and thousand other instances--to refrain entirely from sexual pleasure, nature well knows what to do with those precious atoms. She finds use for them in building up a keener brain and more vital and enduring nerves and muscles.
The last of the five kinds of forbearance is the
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