European and other countries attempt to restore peace and harmony among people by sharpest swords and huge man-killing machines.
The second part of this first requirement of forbearance is abstaining from falsehood, i.e., from telling what we do not know or believe to be the exact state of things. Theft the third thing to be avoided includes besides actual illegal appropriation even the thought for any such gain. And what are the results of following this course. When entire and unswerving truthfulness is confirmed, all thoughts and words become immediately effective. What others get hy hard labour and acts such as sacrifices to deities, he gets by mere thought or word. Even in everyday life we proclaim the truth that honesty is the best policy. We see the same fact realized in the case of nations. We know that Spain, Greece and Turkey are dishonoured in the commercial world. Spain was killed by her riches. The gold which came pouring into Spain from her vanquished colonies in South America depraved the people and rendered them indolent and lazy. Now-a-days a Spaniard would blush to work, he will not blush to beg. Such has been the case with Greece also. She has repudiated her debts for many years. Like Turkey she has nothing to pay. All the works of industry in those countries are done by foreigners. The fourth in the list of forbearances is avoidance of incontinence. This includes besides physical enjoyment, even talking to, looking or thinking of the other sex with lustful intention.
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