Kandarpa which is capable of passing freely through all the members of the body. It is the sovereign lord of animals, is blown like the Banduli flower and glorious like hundreds of millions of suns.
Within it, is the phallus of Shiva, facing west, his body soft like melted gold, embodiment of wisdom and communion, red like a new twig, and soft as the beams of the moon. It lives in the sacred city (Kashi), is full of felicity and is round like a whirlpool.
Fine as the string of the stalk of lotus plays above this phallus the charmer of the universe (Kulakundalini) extending to the nectar-flowing fissure of the Brahma nerve. Like the lightning playing in new clouds and the spiral turn of a shell, she rests over the phallus in three and half circles as does the sleeping serpent over the head of Shiva.
This Kulakundalini, resting in the Muladhar Padma, hums the bee inebrieted with the nectar of flowers, and by distributing the inspiration and the respiration of animals keeps them alive.
Within the Kulakundalini, subtiler than the subtilest and resplendent as the lightning is Shri Parameshvari (that is, Prakriti or mundane source) whose brightness manifests the universe like a caldron."
The second cell is called Svadhisthan Padma. On the Sushumna nerve is another cell at the root of the pudendum virile, which is red like vermillion and bright as lightning. It has six petals symbolised by the six letters ba, bha, ma ya, ra and la..
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