of the spinal hemispheres, and is the mouth of the Sushumna nerve."
The author proceeds to describe the seven systems of Psychological atoms pervading the body through the cerebrospinal cord. There are many points where the spinal accessory nerves, Ida and Pingala, meet with the Sushumna nerve. Each of these points is called a lotus. I will in the sequel call them cells.
"The first cell is called the Adhar Padma. This cell is situated on the Sushumna nerve below the Puden. dum Virile and above the fundament. It is bright as gold and has four petals of the color of Bignonia Indica, symbolised by the four letters, Ba, Sa, S'a, sha. It is situated topsy-turvy.
Within this cell is the quadrangular mundane discus surrounded by 8 spears, soft and yellow as the lightning. Within this discus is deposited the procreative Semen Virile.
This Semen virile is decorated with four hands and is mounted on the elephant of India. In its lap is the creator-boy, having four hands and holding the four Vedas in his mouth.
Within the quadrangular discus above referred to, is a goddess named Dakini with swinging four hands and blood-red eyes. She is glorious like twelve suns rising at the same time; but visible only to the pureminded Yogi.
Within the pericarp of the Bajra nerve, bright as the lighting is the philoprogenitive triangular discus of Tripura Devi. Within this discus is the air of the
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