Note on the Above by a
Practical Student. W ITH reference to the Brother's letter I have to IV state as follows :
By slightly pressing with the fingers the sides of the two closed eyes on the sides of the temples, a luminous circular light is produced in the middle between the two eyebrows. This Huxley calls “ Phosphene" in his Physiology. It is the germ of the astral light lalent in all men-which light, if developed, becomes the all-pervading light visible to the internal vision,
Now in the initial stages of I'ranayama (regulation of breath), which consists of inspiration, cessation of breath, and expiration, according to certain rules, this phosphene is dissipated in space in streaks of light through the outgoing breath in expiration. When Kumbhaka (cessation of breath) takes place, and when therefore the breath subsides, these streaks of light consolidate themselves into a luminous mass like a star overhead---the light appearing overhead on account of the upward tendency of the breath at that time unless it is forced down. Here our brother says that he felt a fiery influence as the star came overhead. The reason is this. After a short course of Pranayama the gastric fire which is in the sacral plcxus (Muladhara), two inches above the anus, is aroused through the practice
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