PRACTICE OF PRANAYAMA YOGA 161 growing within my forehead. At all these signs my enthusiasm increased, and I gave up eating both fish and meat, and used all the means I knew of to kill or suppress all bad thoughts, in which I think I was successful to some extent. I, however, did not observe two things, viz., that I was losing all my bodily strength and with it the mental, and that I was doing all this without the instructions of a competent teacher. A few days ago, when I was working in the office, I felt the usual influence of the “star,” heaviness of the head, etc., and something led me to think that I was without the aid of a teacher. Then a thought arose in my mind that I might be going in a wrong path, and that the result of all my efforts might be some great disaster, such as those which have befallen students of occultism both here and elsewhere. At these thoughts I was seized with such a terrible fear that I became like an animal placed on burning charcoal. I then had to confide my secret to a friend and get his. sympathy with which I was able to quiet myself a. little. Since that day I have given up my practice, but still I feel mildly the influence of “the star," and I fear that I will have to meet it one day. So I must be prepared. Now, Sir, may I look to you for strength to meet it-strength coming from the knowledge that I am on the right path, that the phenomena I have described are correct results, and that this course cannot lead me to danger. These may be hard things to guarantee, but still I think you can give me some instructions. Hoping for the favor of an early reply, I beg to remain, dear Sir and Brother,
Fraternally yours, An F. T. S. 11
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