more than two or three hours. In India no one is thinking, “When will he stop ?" There will power is stronger. They do not feel fatigue at all.
The mode resorted to by scientists to restore this. magnetism is different, and thy use only physical means. They ignore the power of moral acts, which have such a powerful influence over the body. A person will, by doing such acts, be enabled to store a great quantity of magnetism which might otherwise have been wasted. The rules of morality as given by the Jains and others have really a basis of scientific truth. Their effect is to prevent wasting magnetism, and by obeying such rules one can also generate new magnetism and live a lite in liarmony with the universe. By living a life in accordance with mental rules one may also make the bodily and soul life accord with the whole universe.
This same power of magnetism is used by mesmerists and hypnotists, and the real difference with regard to the principles of these two schools is in the mode which is resorted to by them. One says that there is something flowing from one human body to another; the other says that there is no such substance but by suggestion they will put the patient into a passive state, and the suggestion of some act is then given and acted upon by him ; but really speaking, when a person is put into a hypnctic or passive state, then the mind becomes vacant, as it were, and it is susceptible to any influence. The practitioner himself has his own aura, and it is powerful or not powerful according to the will; and when
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