MAGNETISM psychical planes, for while the soul is in the body these states are so linked with one another that an effect produced on the physical plane has also its effect on the mental and thence on the psychical planes, By influencing one for good or evil we influence the others, and thereby our spiritual nature. By endeavor on the psychical plane we become nervous and this is wasting of that magnetism without or against our will. The nervousness may be cured by the strength of the will. When we exercise will we create force and this creation causes vibrations which go out and take out with them this magnetism of the body ; and when lite is strong it goes a long distance, and can impress its particular quality on other people. Also by generating thoughts we generate magnetism. This is vibrating force coming out from the human body, which may reach and influence other persons either for good or evil. Therefore if such a power as this is in our means we should never influence other people for evil.
We can store magnetism by physical means and by other means. There are rules of diet, of sitting in certain positions, of breathing in certain ways, which, unless our will is strong, we shall not be able to follow. We cannot sit in a certain position for any length of time without some effort of will. Concentration of any kind also requires will and strengthens the will on the physical plane, and the magnetisin may be stored by thinking. Many of our ceremonies are. arranged with reference to this fact. Religious cere
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