on more than one plane; but we think it acts on innumerable planes. They say that all these different planes are in fact planes of one and the same thing, and that matter in the most refined state is the same thing as spirit. Spirit has no tangibility nor form. Vibrations affect our visual powers and we call it sight or color. As these vibrations do not exist in spiritual form, no person can see spirit, because it is supersensuous substance which cannot be seen, heard, tasted, smelled or touched. It is to be known only by consciousness and by no other way at all. Magnetism is a state of matter. The plane higher than all the three planes I have mentioned is called by some the astral and by some the spiritual plane, but that would imply that spirit is a state of matter. There are some philosophers who say that after death all living beings pass into a spiritual state and passing through the process of evolution slowly by degress they finally reach the divine states; but after all, the spiritual body will be the highest state of existence. We totally differ from all the philosophies of the world in this respect and say that this conscious entity has nothing to do with any state of matter.
Psychic powers are called magnetic, but this is not the same as the magnetism which affects material things. When metals or ordinary substances, for instance, are charged with electricity or with magnetism one result will be produced on one body, but if human magnetism is imparted to any person our desires will influence the person and will charge him with
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