study or practise Christian science make is in considering that these magnetic powers of the soul are the same as the spiritual nature. When a person has attained the spiritual nature he does not care to exercise powers of magnetism because it implies that he has not spiritual force in himself to act without any special effort. That is, life on the spiritual plane would influence people without the making of any conscious effort through such forces. It is necessary that we make practical use of them, for thus only we can see reasults. All these forces act on the three planes. On the first or lowest plane we have material magnetism, heat, electricity. On the emotional plane we feel in a certain way. When the soul is on the highest plane there is no such thing as enotion ; for if a person has a certain kind of emotion it shows that he does not know the result of certain causes. If he had previous experience of these he would know the result even though the causes were not present. The emotion shows that he was in a state of ignorance. It also shows that he has risen out of the material plane, to a higher. The third plane, which is still higher than this, is the spiritual plane. Emotions simply mean pleasure and pain derived from the senses. In most things the soul acts on the inental plane, and on all these pianes we say that the soul has a connection with matter. Western scientists have divided matter into three states, solid, liquid and gaseous, and after many centuries of experience have postulated a certain kind of ether ; but they do not yet think there can be existence of matter
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