The person who lives in the world unattched to worldly objects becomes free from sorrow. In spite of his being in the midst of the world, he is not defiled by this series of multitude of sufferings, just as the leaf of the lotusplant is not defiled by water.
That which is Ahimsa (non-violence), self-restraint and austerity is Dharma (spiritual value). It is by virtue of the Dharma (spiritual values) that supreme spiritual beneficence results. To him whose mind is always (absorbed) in the Dharma (spiritual values) even gods pay homage.
The basic nature of a (sentient) thing is known as Dharma (spiritual value); and the mental states of forgiveness etc. are ten kinds of Dharma (spiritual values); the togetherness of three Jewels is also Dharma (spiritual value); and again the protection of Jivas (beings) is Dharma (spiritual value).
I forgive all the beings. May all the beings forgive me. My amity exists in all the beings and my enmity is not with anybody too.
He who gives his back to the alluring and likeable pleasures which have been obtained (by him) (and also) abandons self-possessed pleasures is really a renunciatory. It is said so.
Prakrta Prose and Verse Jain Education International
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