(C) (i). In the following a-ending Neuter Nouns and two Verbs in
brackets are given. For making sentences, use a-ending Neuter Nouns in the Nominative case Plural Number, choose any one Verb for adding the suffixes of the Absolutive or Infinitive to it, and add the suffixes of the Present Tense to the other Verb. Write all the alternatives of Noun forms, Verbal forms and Participles.
1. Dhanna (Uga, Vaddha) 3. Găņa (Guñja, Phura) 5. Rajja (Pasara, Jagada) 7. Bia (Uga, Vaddha) 9. Vattha (Gala, Khaya)
2. Nayarajana (Cukka, Khijja) 4. Potšala (Ludha, Pada) 6. Vimāņa (Pada, Ņassa)
8. Nayarajaņa (Kudda, Pala) 10. Nayarajaņa (Harisa, Vijja)
Example: - Dhanna/Dhannā/Dhannaim/Dhannāim Ugi/Ugiu/Ugavi/Ugivi/ Ugevi/Ugeviņu/Ugeppi/Ugeppiņu Vaddhahim/Vaddhanti/ Vaddhante/Vaddhire.
(C) (ii). In the following a-ending Neuter Nouns and two Verbs in
brackets are given. For making sentences, use a-ending Neuter Nouns in the Nominative case Plural Number, choose any one Verb for adding the suffixes of the Absolutive or Infinitive to it, and add the suffixes of the Imperative to the other Verb. Write all the alternatives of Noun forms, Verbal forms and Participles.
1. Nayarajana (Ņacca, Uttha) 2. Vasaņa (Chuțţa, Ņassa) 3. Bhaya (Ņassa, Pala) 4. Gāņa (Guñja, Pasara) 5. Vimāņa (Cittha, Udda) 6. Nayarajana (Jägara, Cettha) 7. Sāsaņa (Vaddha, Pasara) 8. Dhanna (Uga, Soha) 9. Rajja (Vasa, Pasara) 10. Khira (Cua, Pasara)
Apabhrarśa Exercise Book
Jain Education International
For Private & Personal Use Only